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Speech Separation and Comprehension in Complex Acoustic Environments
Thu Nov 4 - Sun Nov 7, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation

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Introduction of and Precis by Students/Postdocs

Chair: Barbara Shinn-Cunningham

Luckily for us all, this workshop is not just a gathering of senior, established researchers. Due to the financial support of the National Science Foundation and the efforts of the organizing committee, we have the distinct pleasure of involving ten outstanding young scientists with varied backgrounds and interests in the workshop. Not only will we all enjoy the immediate benefit of interacting with these post-docs, students, and young researchers over the next few days, there is a longer-term goal. As a "field" (or intersection of fields), we need to entice these young researchers, and other outstanding scientists like them, to focus their talents on the difficult problem of developing comprehensive, multidisciplinary approaches to designing innovative human-machine systems for source separation and understanding. In this short introduction, we will introduce the young-scientist attendees; I encourage you to seek them out, as well as make an effort to see the posters that many of them will be presenting (up for display throughout the conference).


(NB: Titles link to poster image.)

Francis Bach (with Michael Jordan)
Blind One-Microphone Speech Separation: A Spectral Learning Approach
Suzanne Carr
Speech Reception Thresholds in various interference conditions
Maria Chait
Two time scales in Speech Segmentation (with S. Greenberg, T. Arai, J. Simon, and D. Poeppel)
Auditory Cortical Responses at 100ms Post Onset are Modulated by Figure/Ground Status of the Stimulus (with D. Poeppel and J. Simon)
Jana Eggink (with Guy J. Brown)
Using Instrument Recognition to Extract Melodies from Complex Audio
Mounya Elhilali (with Shihab Shamma)
Adaptive Cortical Model for Auditory Streaming and Monaural Speaker Separation
Frederick J. Gallun (with Christine R. Mason and Gerald Kidd, Jr.)
Binaural Release from Informational Masking in a Speech Recognition Task
Brian Gygi
Parsing the Blooming Buzzing Confusion
John Hershey (with Trausti Kristjansson and Zhengyou Zhang)
Model-Based Fusion of Bone and Air Sensors for Speech Enhancement and Robust Speech Recognition (also see this paper from SAPA2004)
Manuel Reyes-Gomez (with Nebojsa Jojic and Dan Ellis)
Deformable Spectrograms
Madhu Shashanka (with Barbara Shinn-Cunningham and Martin Cooke)
Effects of Reverberant Energy on Statistics of Speech
Soundararajan Srinivasan (with Nicoleta Roman and DeLiang Wang)
On Binary and Ratio Time-Frequency Masks for Robust Speech Recognition