function [L,N] = listfileread(F)
% [L,N] = listfileread(F) Read a list of per-line items
% F is a file containing a list of items, one per line.
% Return L as a cell array, with one item per line, N as the
% number of items.
% If F is not found, return empty L and N == -1 (instead of 0).
% 2006-08-06 for MIREX 06
N = -1;
L = [];
if fexist(F) == 1
fid = fopen(F);
nitems = 0;
while 1
tline = fgetl(fid);
if ~ischar(tline), break, end
nitems = nitems+1;
L{nitems} = tline;
N = nitems;