function Y = chromagram_E(d,sr,fftlen,nbin,f_ctr,f_sd)
% Y = chromagram_E(d,sr,fftlen,nbin)
% Calculate a "chromagram" of the sound in d (at sampling rate sr)
% Use windows of fftlen points, hopped by ffthop points
% Divide the octave into nbin steps
% Weight with center frequency f_ctr (in Hz) and gaussian SD f_sd (in octaves)
% 2006-09-26
if nargin < 3; fftlen = 2048; end
if nargin < 4; nbin = 12; end
if nargin < 5; f_ctr = 1000; end
if nargin < 6; f_sd = 1; end
fftwin = fftlen/2;
ffthop = fftlen/4; % always for this
D = abs(specgram(d,fftlen,sr,fftwin,(fftwin-ffthop)));
A0 = 27.5; % Hz
A440 = 440; % Hz
f_ctr_log = log(f_ctr/A0) / log(2);
CM = fft2chromamx(fftlen, nbin, sr, A440, f_ctr_log, f_sd);
% Chop extra dims
CM = CM(:,1:(fftlen/2)+1);
Y = CM*D;