librosa A Python library which includes common tools for low- and high-level signal-based music analysis. |
pretty_midi A Python library which makes it easy to create, manipulate, and extract information from MIDI files. |
MEAP The Music Engineering Art Projects (a collaboration with Columbia's Computer Music Center) |
Data-driven Music Understanding An NSF funded project into mining for structure in music audio |
The Listening Machine An NSF funded project into techniques for separating and recognizing sounds in mixtures |
Consumer video classification by soundtrack Using features from the soundtrack of environmental-type recordings for classification |
Separating Speech from Speech Noise An NSF funded project into signal separation aimed specifically at speech |
Music similarity Including a database of popular music along with a collection of subjective similarity measurements for the artists involved. |
Beat tracking and tempo estimation A simple dynamic programming approach to finding the regularly-spaced events in music audio. |
Cover Song Identification Trying to identify music audio that is based on the same melodic-harmonic content, despite changes in tempo, instrumentation, etc. |
Artist Identification by Timbral and Chroma Features An implementation of a baseline artist ID system, but also trying out chroma features to see if they help. |
Chord recognition Including our submission to the 2008 MIREX Chord Recognition evaluation. |
artist20 A dataset of 20 artists (1413 tracks) plus a baseline artist identification system |
Music melody extraction Including example data for training and evaluating systems for extracting melody from ensemble music recordings |
Polyphonic piano transcription Including example data for training and evaluating piano transcription systems. |
Personal Audio Life Logs Our project investigating the use of continuous audio recordings of daily life. |
Speech recognition In noisy, overlapped conditions |
Music analysis To recover structure, and to navigate archives |
Marine Mammal Sounds Whales and dolphins in natural environments |
Pitch contour stylization Using drastically simplified pitch contours with almost no effect on perceived naturalness. |
MESSL A system for separating and localizing mulitple sound sources even in reverberation. |
snreval Implementations of a collection of signal distortion measures for characterizing corrupted speech. |
renoiser Tool to decompose a noisy speech file in to filtered speech component and noise, and to recombine at new SNR. |
skewview Tool to visualize timing skew between different audio files via short-time cross-correlation. |
chimefind Tool to locate "chime" sounds in long soundfiles. |
findNTs Tool to label "non transmission" (NT) regions in recorded radio signals. |
otanalyze A cut-down version of renoiser that can decompose "over the air" recordings into a filtered version of a clean signal and a noise residual. |
SAcC Noise-robust pitch detection based on trained classification of subband autocorrelation principal components. |