Perspectives on Speech Separation — a Workshop
October 31 - November 2, 2003
Monteal, Quebec
sponsored by the National Science Foundation

(click on titles for abstract)

Claude Alain, Rotman Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Workshop Presentation: Neural concomitant of vowel segregation


Guy Brown, Department of Computer Science, Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Workshop Presentation: Auditory models for speech processing in noisy and reverberant onditions


Douglas Brungart, Air Force Wright Patterson Research Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio

Workshop Presentation: Informational and energetic masking effects in multitalker speech perception


Peter Cariani, Department of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School, and Eaton Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology, Massachusetts Ear and Eye Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts

Workshop Presentation: Recurrent timing nets for F0-based sound separation


Alain de Cheveigné, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, Paris, France

Workshop Presentation: The cancellation principle in auditory scene analysis


Martin Cooke, Department of Computer Science, Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Workshop Presentation: Glimpsing speech


Chris Darwin, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom

Workshop Presentation: Speech segregation: problems and perspectives


Pierre Divenyi, Speech and Hearing Research, VA Northern California Health Care Systems and East Bay Institute for Research and Education, Martinez, California

Workshop Presentation: Masking the information in multi-stream speech-analogue displays


Nathaniel Durlach, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Workshop Presentation: Separation, localization, and comprehension of multiple, simultaneous speech signals by humans, machines, and human-machine systems


Dan Ellis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, New York

Workshop Presentation: Sound, mixtures, and learning


Tom Huang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

Workshop Presentation: Interplay between audio and visual scene analysis


Hideki Kawahara, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Wakayama, and Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, ATR, Kyoto, Japan

Workshop Presentation: Underlying principles of a high-quality speech manipulation system STRAIGHT and its application to speech segregation


Te-Won Lee, Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Workshop Presentation: Speech Signal Understanding Using Graphical Models


Bhiksha Raj, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Workshop Presentation: Maximum-likelihood multi-channel speaker separation using factorial Hidden Markov Models


Sam Roweis, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Workshop Presentation: Factorial models and refiltering for speech separation and denoising


Malcolm Slaney, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California

Workshop Presentation: Wither CASA?


Paris Smaragdis, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Workshop Presentation: Exploiting redundancy to construct listening systems


Richard Stern, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Workshop Presentation:  Signal separation motivated by human auditory perception


Elyse Sussman, Department of Otolaryngology, Yeshiva University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York

Workshop Presentation: Auditory scene analysis: Examining the role of nonlinguistic auditory processing in speech perception


DeLiang Wang, Department of Computer and Information Science and Center for Cognitive Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Workshop Presentation: On computational objectives of auditory scene analysis