Dan Ellis : Resources: Matlab:

REMIXAVIER - Tools for recombining different mixes of a track

2013-06-28 Dan Ellis dpwe@ee.columbia.edu

The Remixavier ("remix savior") project is concerned with recovering the "difference" between different mixes of the same track. For instance, given a full mix and an instrumental, we can try to recover the vocals, or given the full mix and an a cappella version, we can try to produce an instrumental version. In the process, we can identify the precise temporal alignment between the two versions, which may be useful in its own right.

Assuming we have a full mix M and an instrumental version I, under ideal conditions we could recover the vocal line V as M - I. However, there are very often timing offsets and small sampling rate differences (clock drift) that will defeat the simple approach. We estimate these timing differences with short-time cross correlation (in deskew.m), and trim and resample to correct it to within a few parts per million (milliseconds of drift over the duration of a typical track).

But even with a perfect or near-perfect time alignment, there may be differences in gain, or more generally the channel frequency response, that will still make simple subtraction inadequate. Instead, we estimate the optimal equalization filter H to minimize the energy of M - H.I. This is done within find_in_mix.m, which calls decomp_lin_win.m to break the pair of signals into short chunks (e.g. 8 second chunks every 4 second), estimate the best coupling impulse response of each chunk in decomp_lin.m, then overlap-add the canceled residuals to produce the desired difference. This actually works by estimating a whitening filter for I so that the cross-correlation of the whitened versions of M and I is simply the coupling impulse response.

This approach to cancelation is inspired by the BSS_EVAL procedure of Fevotte, Gribonval, and Vincent. Essentially, we are finding the difference as the "artefacts residual" when M is considered an imperfect estimate of I.


Example 1: Significant time skew and channel difference

This example consists of an original instrumental track, digitized from a vinyl LP release, and a rap that uses the track as backing, taken directly from a CD. Thus, the different signal paths mean that the timing is significantly different (clock drift of 0.1%), and the overall spectrum is very different too.

% Load in mix and acapella as mono files
% These tracks diverge at the end (different edits), so just work
% on the first minute
sr = 44100;
[dmix,sr] = mp3read('../Data/mc-paul-mix.mp3',[0 60*sr],1);
[dins,sr] = mp3read('../Data/mc-paul-instr.mp3',[0 60*sr],1);
% Attempt to trim and resample the full version to line up as well
% as possible with the acapella
doplot = 1;
dmr = deskew(dmix, dins, sr, 0, 1, doplot);
axis([0.5 55.5 1 1.5])
% It gets better when you repeat it
dmr = deskew(dmr, dins, sr);
% resampling can't handle ratios below 30 ppm, will just skip
% beyond that.
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = 1.258141 (ref starts before part)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000631 prop pts = 0.400
Lin fit: t_ref = 0.999002 t_part + 1.276
Resampling ratio: 22027/22049=0.999002
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = 0.000998 (ref starts before part)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000218 prop pts = 0.800
Lin fit: t_ref = 0.999948 t_part + 0.003
Resampling ratio: 19408/19409=0.999948

Channel estimation for example 1

% Do the short-time coupling filter estimation
tic; [resid, targ, filt, SNR, del, filts] = ...
find_in_mix(dmr,dins,sr,0.013,0.003); toc
% Listen to the residual (vocals)
% (play the second 20 seconds)
ix = 20*sr+[1:20*sr];
soundsc(resid(ix,:), sr); [sound]
% Plot the time-local coupling filters (right channel)
% filter IR time base
tt = [1:size(filts,1)]/sr;
% times of individual short-time window (every 4 sec)
tw = 4.0*[1:size(filts,2)];
% plot
imagesc(tt,tw,filts'); axis('xy');
xlabel('time / sec')
ylabel('window time / sec')
title('local coupling filter impulse responses (cap -> mix)')
% scale down impulse response extremes
caxis([-2 2])
Delay = 0.000340 s
SNR = 0.037485 dB
Elapsed time is 8.243200 seconds.

Example 2: Recovering instrumental, in stereo

The Duffy track has the vocals in stereo, we can cancel left and right separately to good effect

[dmix,sr] = mp3read('../Data/Duffy.WarwickAvenue.mp3');
[dcap,sr] = mp3read('../Data/duffy_-_warwick_avenue_acapella.mp3');
% Deskew will process stereo files.  Skew is estimated from an
% internally-generated mono mix
dmr = deskew(dmix, dcap, sr);
dmr = deskew(dmr, dcap, sr);
clear resid targ
for i = 1:size(dmr,2)
tic; [resid(:,i), targ(:,i), filt, SNR, del, filts] = ...
find_in_mix(dmr(:,i),dcap(:,i),sr,0.006,0.003); toc
soundsc(resid(ix,:), sr); [sound]
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = 10.304580 (ref starts before part)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.006009 prop pts = 0.272
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.005778 t_part + 9.485
Resampling ratio: 20018/19903=1.005778
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = -0.011973 (part starts before ref)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000283 prop pts = 0.631
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.000134 t_part + -0.025
Resampling ratio: 7471/7470=1.000134
Delay = -0.000227 s
SNR = -1.5445 dB
Elapsed time is 24.347992 seconds.
Delay = -0.000227 s
SNR = -1.7085 dB
Elapsed time is 24.232518 seconds.

Example 3: Perfectly-aligned signals, and Wiener enhancement

% Message In A Bottle is an ideal case - plain subtraction of mix
% and instrumental yeilds clean vocals.  But how does estimation do?
% Load tracks as mono
sr = 44100;
dmix = mean(wavread('../Data/message-in-a-bottle-mix.wav'),2);
dins = mean(wavread('../Data/message-in-a-bottle-ins.wav'),2);
% They shoyld be perfectly aligned already, but run deskew just in case
dmr = deskew(dmix, dins, sr);
tic; [resid, targ, filt, SNR, del, filts] = ...
find_in_mix(dmr,dins,sr,0.013,0.003); toc
soundsc(resid(ix,:), sr); [sound]
% We can apply a "wiener filter" (scaling of spectrogram magnitude
% cells) to further reduce residual artifacts.  In particular, we
% can suppress cells where the energy in the estimated vocals is
% significantly lower than the energy in the instrumental line
% projected into the mix.  wienerenhace takes a threshold so that
% energy in the residual that is below -6 dB when compared to the
% accompaniment is suppressed
reswf = wienerenhance(resid, targ, -6.0);
soundsc(reswf(ix,:), sr); [sound]
% We can measure SNR by canceling against the true vocals, which
% are simply the difference of dmix and dins (for this perfect example)
dvox = dmix - dins;
soundsc(dvox(ix,:), sr);  % Yes, sounds clean [sound]
[r2, t2, f2, S2, d2, fs2] = find_in_mix(resid,dvox,sr,0.010,0.003);
%Delay = 0.000000 s
%SNR = 19.9197 dB  <-- this is our estimate of SDR
[r2, t2, f2, S2, d2, fs2] = find_in_mix(reswf,dvox,sr,0.010,0.003);
%Delay = 0.000000 s
%SNR = 16.1096 dB
% Wiener filtering introduces more artifact energy than it removes
% interference.
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = 0.000000
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000000 prop pts = 0.793
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.000000 t_part + -0.000
Delay = 0.000000 s
SNR = 1.9983 dB
Elapsed time is 42.697289 seconds.
Delay = 0.000000 s
SNR = 19.9197 dB
Delay = 0.000000 s
SNR = 16.8997 dB

Example 4: Imogen Heap Instrumental Version

This album was released with two versions of every track - a full mix, and an instrumental version. Since they are derived from the same digital masters, there is no clock drift, although they are not perfectly aligned in time. However, because each short segment reflects the same timing alignment, we can average the estimated coupling filters to further stabilize the estimation. Because there are a few outlier frames (degenerate estimates from when the vocal track is near silent), we combine across filters with a median instead of a mean.

[dmix,sr] = audioread('../Data/10-Aha_.m4a');
[dins,sr] = audioread('../Data/23-Aha_Instrumental_Version_.m4a');
% Deskew once just to remove any gross timing offset
dmr = deskew(dmix, dins, sr);
clear resid targ filts
% Align each channel, and store all the individual filters
for i = 1:size(dmr,2)
tic; [resid(:,i), targ(:,i), filt, SNR, del, filts{i}] = ...
find_in_mix(dmr(:,i),dins(:,i),sr,0.006,0.003); toc
soundsc(resid(ix,:), sr); [sound]
% but form a grand average filter for each side
f1 = median(filts{1}');
f2 = median(filts{2}');
% The estimated filter has a pre-echo, so trim that from the convolution
[vv,xx] = max(abs(f1));
% xx is the index of the peak on the impulse response
% .. then re-filter each side with this median average impulse response
dinsf = [conv(f1,dins((xx+1):end,1)),conv(f2,dins((xx+1):end,2))];
% .. which we can subtract out
ll = min(length(dmr),length(dinsf));
dvx = dmr(1:ll,:) - dinsf(1:ll,:);
soundsc(dvx(ix,:),sr); [sound]
% You can do OK with wiener enhancement even without cancelation
fftlen = 2048;
[mixwf,M] = wienerenhance(dmr, dins, 12.0, 2.0, fftlen);
ff = [0:fftlen/2]*sr/fftlen;
tt = [1:size(M,2)]*fftlen/4/sr;
imagesc(tt,ff,M(:,:,1)); axis xy  % the spectrogram mask
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Frequency');
axis([20 40 0 4000])
soundsc(mixwf(ix,:), sr); [sound]
% but it sounds better based on the enhanced version
[reswf,M] = wienerenhance(resid, targ, 12.0, 2.0);
soundsc(reswf(ix,:), sr); [sound]
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = -0.025941 (part starts before ref)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000011 prop pts = 0.783
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.000000 t_part + -0.026
Delay = 0.000000 s
SNR = -2.0072 dB
Elapsed time is 14.881408 seconds.
Delay = 0.000000 s
SNR = -2.1378 dB
Elapsed time is 15.035218 seconds.

Command line version

remixavier.m wraps these processes into a single function, suitable for turning into a compiled Matlab command-line binary:

remixavier -mix ../Data/mc-paul-mix.mp3 -part ../Data/mc-paul-instr.mp3 -out tmp.wav -dur 60 -wiener_thresh 3.0 -gain 0.9
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = -1.258141 (part starts before ref)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000163 prop pts = 0.269
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.001047 t_part + -1.277
Resampling ratio: 16249/16232=1.001047
Delay = 0.001905 s
SNR = 0.33312 dB
Delay = 0.002585 s
SNR = 0.57672 dB
Canceled audio written to tmp.wav

Graphics display

The -do_plot option provides for various visualizations: -do_plot 1 plots the initial cross-correlation alignment (similar to skewview); -do_plot 2 plots each of the short-time cancellation filter impulse responses, and -do_plot 3 shows aligned spectrograms of the mixture, the equalized part, and the residual:

remixavier -mix ../Data/mc-paul-mix.mp3 -part ../Data/mc-paul-instr.mp3 -dur 60 -wiener_thresh 3.0 -do_plot 3
Inital estimate of t_ref - t_part = -1.258141 (part starts before ref)
Calculating short-time cross-correlation...
Lin fit stats: sd = 0.000163 prop pts = 0.269
Lin fit: t_ref = 1.001047 t_part + -1.277
Resampling ratio: 16249/16232=1.001047
Delay = 0.001905 s
SNR = 0.33312 dB
Delay = 0.002585 s
SNR = 0.57672 dB
segSNR = 15.2378 (over 29.2296% of frames)

Command-line arguments

Invoke with -help to see all the command-line options:

remixavier -help
*** remixavier v0.03 of 20130709
-mix	audio with extra source(s) ()
-part	audio without extra source(s) ()
-out	write audio output to this file ()
-alignout	write aligned part to this file ()
-gain	scale output by this to avoid clipping (1)
-mono	force files to mono? (0)
-flip_stereo	flip L and R of part (0)
-samplerate	resample inputs to this rate (0)
-mix_start	start reading mix file from this point (0)
-part_start	start reading part file from this point (0)
-dur	limit processing to this duration (0)
-ir_dur	total time extent of coupling filter (0.015)
-ir_pre	pre-echo time in coupling filter (0.005)
-t_win	duration of filter estimation window in sec (1)
-t_hop	hop between successive estimation wins in sec (0.5)
-deskew_its	how many times to pass through deskew (1)
-deskew_sr	sampling rate for initial deskew xcorr (1000)
-square	square waveforms before initial xcorr (1)
-do_plot	plot the results of deskewing (0)
-wiener_win	STFT duration for Wiener filter (0.05)
-wiener_thresh	local SNR threshold (in dB) for Wiener enhancement (-Inf)
-wiener_width	transition width (in dB) for Wiener (3)

Still to do

When the partial signal has very low energy, the coupling estimation goes crazy trying to boost it up to get rid of some of the energy. We should put in some kind of regularization/threshold to stop this.

We don't expect the coupling filter to vary much along time, so we ought to be able to get an improvement by smoothing it along time (as in the median filtering on the Imogen Heap example). However, if there is any clock drift, we can't assume sample-level alignment of the individual impulse response estimates. We could, however, estimate a single timing difference between each pair of impulse responses, then average them after backing that out. For instance, we could fit a linear phase model to the phase responses of each individual coupling IR, then average their zero-phase versions, then reintroduce the individual phases (delays) to redistribute over each segment.

See also

This project was developed in collaboration with Colin Raffel as part of HAMR 2013. There is another page describing the project in the HAMR Proceedings - Remixavier The code and data are on github: https://github.com/craffel/remixavier


This package has been compiled for several targets using the Matlab compiler. You will also need to download and install the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) Installer. Please see the table below:

ArchitectureCompiled packageMCR Installer
64 bit Linux remixavier_GLNXA64.zip Linux 64 bit MCR Installer
64 bit MacOS remixavier_MACI64.zip MACI64 MCR Installer

The original Matlab code used to build this compiled target is available at http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/resources/matlab/remixavier

All sources are in the package remixavier-v0.03.zip.

Feel free to contact me with any problems.


The included function audioread is able to read a wide range of sound file types, but relies on a number of other packages and/or support functions being installed. Most obscure of these is ReadSound, a MEX wrapper I wrote for the dpwelib sound file interface. See the audioread homepage for more details.


% v0.03  2013-07-09 - added new options for deskew_sr (sampling
%                     rate for initial delay estimation, default
%                     1000 Hz), changes to find_skew.
% v0.02  2013-07-02 - added -alignout
%                   - some changes to audioread (tilde, ...)
%                   - now published with spublish (for sounds)
% v0.01  2013-07-01 Initial release
% Last updated: $Date: 2011/12/09 20:30:34 $
% Dan Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>