Although measuring performance on the training data lets you know if your classifier is learning anything at all, it's not a good predictor of performance in the real world, since unseen test data will differ from the training data in unpredictable ways. Thus, final evaluation is normally performed on held-out data that was not used at all in tuning the system parameters. Of course, depending on the amount and variety of this data, it may still give an inaccurate estimate of the average system performance, but at least it is a fair test.
We can evaluate our models so far on a new piece of data, a single (entire) pop song which has also been hand-labeled for vocal portions. We need to calculate the same features and labels for it, run the classifiers, then compare the results:
% Load the new test data waveform (warning: it's big - you'll need several 100M of memory)
[d,sr] = wavread('aimee.wav');
cc = mfcc(d,sr,1/0.020);
% load the labels
[stt,dur,lab] = textread(['aimee.lab'], '%f %f %s','commentstyle','shell');
ll = zeros(length(lab),1);
ll(strmatch('vox',lab)) = 1;
size(cc) ans = 13 13263
% Define a new timebase for this file
tt = 0.020*[1:13263];
% .. and sample the labels
lsamp = labsamplabs(tt,[stt,dur],ll);
% See if we can get a spectrogram of the whole thing
% (downsample audio before taking spectrogram, to save space)
% .. and plot the ground-truth labels next to it
% How long is the song exactly?
length(d)/sr ans = 265.2735
% Set the axes to match the spectrogram
axis([0 265.3 0 1.1])
% Finally, plot the log likelihood ratio too
LRa = log(gmmprob(gmS,cc([1:2],:)')./gmmprob(gmM,cc([1:2],:)'));
plot(tt, LRa)
% We only care about values close to 0
axis([0 265.3 -5 5])
% How's the classification accuracy?
mean((LRa>0)==lsamp') ans = 0.5221
% Pretty much guessing!
For a given feature set, try changing the model complexity (number of mixtures or hidden layer size) to see how the accuracy varies on training and on test data. Can you show the classic 'overfitting' divergence between consistently improving training data performance, and improving then worsening test accuracy?
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