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Course objectivesThis course will introduce the basic concepts and techniques for processing signals on a computer. By the end of the course, you be familiar with the most important methods in DSP, including digital filter design and transform-domain processing. The course emphasizes intuitive understanding and practical implementations of the theoretical concepts: Our main text (Mitra) includes extensive examples using the Matlab environment. Matlab will also be used within the problem sets (see below). Course structureThe course consists of two lectures each week, weekly problem sets, midterm and final exams, and a term project. The grade will be broken down as follows:
Be sure to check out my tips on getting a good grade in E4810. PrerequisitesThis course is designed as a follow-on to ELEN E3801, Signals and Systems. Although basic discrete-time topics such as the Z transform and the Fourier domain are covered in this earlier class, we will review them in this class to go into a little more detail, pointing out what may be new perspectives on these concepts. However, the coverage is not intended for students without prior exposure to this material, and will not provide enough fundamental detail for those without prior exposure to transform and frequency domains. MatlabThe course will use the numerical processing package Matlab for illustrations. Problem sets will include some questions that require the use of Matlab. Columbia SEAS has a site license for Matlab. This means you will be able to get copies to run on your own laptops for free. Follow the directions at SEAS MATLAB For Students.
Matlab is pretty easy to pick up even if you haven't used it before. There are a number of student-oriented tutorials available from the MathWorks. Problem SetsProblem sets will be posted to this web site (on the problem sets page) after the Wednesday lecture each week, and due in class one week later, at which time solutions will be distributed. For this reason, late problems sets can not be accepted. ProjectsFor details and suggestions, see the separate projects page. There is a collection of example sounds which might be handy as the basis for a class project. Course outlineSee the course outline page. AcknowledgmentThis material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-0713334. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Dan Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu> Last updated: Tue Jun 02 10:18:43 EDT 2015 |