README.txt for snreval Note: the latest version of this information is from the web page at USAGE snreval is a compiled Matlab script to apply various objective measures of signal quality to degraded speech signals. Once it is installed, the basic usage looks like this: $ ./ arabic_400mhz.wav -vad arabic_400mhz-vad.txt -clean arabic_source.wav ========================================== Target File: arabic_400mhz.wav time range: 0.0-59.8 s Ref File: arabic_source.wav Targ delay: -0.237 s NIST STNR = 23.8 dB WADA SNR = 19.7 dB SNRvad = 12.3 dB SAR = 9.0 dB PESQ MOS = 2.6 ========================================== With the -disp 1 flag added to the command line, this should also generate a graphical display similar to the included screenshot snreval_screenshot.png. The script syntax is: ./ noisyfile -vad vadfile -clean cleanfile -start start -end end -guessvad 1 -disp 1 where all arguments except are optional. If only is specified, then only NIST STNR *1 and WADA SNR *2 are calculated. names a voice activity annotation file, which consists of lines like: 2.691060 3.091060 1 where the first column is the start of a voice-active region, the second column is the end (both in secs), and the third column is a label (which is actually ignored). When VAD segments are available, the script will also calculate SNRvad, which is simply the SNR based on the average energy in voice-active regions compared to the average energy in voice-inactive regions. specifies a soundfile containing the clean, reference speech. When this is provided, it allows the computation of the signal-to-artifacts ratio SAR, which is the ratio of energy of the best-fit linear-filtered version of the clean signal, to the energy of the residual (which could not be predicted from the clean signal). This uses a process similar to echo cancellation to cancel the reference speech from the noisy signal. *3 Having the clean signal also permits the calculation of PESQ *4, a standard used in telecomms to estimate "subjective quality" ratings on a scale of 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent). and provide times (in seconds) to limit the part of that is analyzed. Note that the times in are assumed to correspond to before is applied. -guessvad set to 1 will let the script attempt to guess voice activity from (or if is not provided) using a simple energy threshold. -disp set to 1 enables the graphical display, otherwise the script simply generates the text output. If or cannot be found, the script treats them as not provided. INSTALLATION This package was created by the MATLAB compiler; we have now compiled it for 32 and 64 bit Linux, and 64 bit MacOS. To use it, you have to first install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) environment. You must first obtain the correct version of the MCR installer from the links at . Then, from the command line prompt, you execute: $ sh ./MCRInstaller.bin .. and follow the directions (you need to be running on an X display, I think). The script assumes that the MCR was installed in the default location, /opt/MATLAB/MATLAB_Component_Runtime . If you put it somewhere else, you'll need to edit to change the MCRROOT definition. Once the install is finished, you should be able to simply run the script as above. The original Matlab code used to build this compiled target is available at Feel free to contact me with any problems. -- DAn Ellis 2010-12-14 *1 NIST STNR - see *2 WADA SNR - see *3 BSS_EVAL - see *4 PESQ - see