Dan Ellis : Research : Music Similarity :

Art of the Mix Playlist Data Statistics

We took the user-contributed playlists from the Art of the Mix web site in January 2003 to act as data source for music similarity - e.g., songs that occur in the same playlist are in some sense related, although we are not saying they are the most similar.

This page provides some of our normalized data and some statistics. The data were collected and regularized by Adam Berenzweig and Brian Whitman.

Here is the data in processed form:

Here are some statistics

Total playlists 29,164 (201 are empty after parsing)
Total unique songs 218,260
Total artist names 60,931
Distinct regularized artist names 48,169
Average songs/nonempty playlist 19.8
Average artists/nonempty playlist 17.1
Number of playlists after filtering for "aset400" artists 23,111
Average number of "aset400" artists per filtered playlist 4.38

Valid HTML 4.0! Last updated: $Date: 2003/07/06 14:32:00 $
Dan Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>