README for covers80 package This is a set of data and code to support the MIREX cover song identification task. The directory covers32k/ contains 80 songs with two versions of each, all encoded as 32 kbps MP3 (mono, 16k sampling, bandwidth limited to 7 kHz). The basis of this set was cover versions I found within the uspop2002 set, but then I added a bunch of others (including pairing up all the tracks I could on cover song albums by Annie Lennox and Tori Amos). The directory src/ contains the current version of my coversongID code, which is very close to what I submitted to the MIREX2006 cover song task. You can run it on the 32kbps covers80 tracks with the script do_cover_expt.m. Please let me know if you have any problems or comments. -- Dan Ellis 2007-06-16 CHANGELOG 2007-08-08 Removed extra files covers32k/Little_Wing/tesla+Five_Man_Acoustic_Jam+09-Lodi.mp3 covers32k/Lodi/eric_clapton+Crossroads_2_Disc_1+08-Little_Wing.mp3 .. and fixed covers32k/list2.txt which referred to these in the wrong drectories.