An Example Track Description

Below is a list of all the fields associated with each track in the database. This is simply an annotated version of the output of the example code For the fields that include a large amount of numerical data, we indicate only the shape of the data array. Since most of these fields are taken directly from the Echo Nest Analyze API, more details can be found at the Echo Nest Analyze API documentation.

A more technically-oriented list of these fields is given on the field list page.

This example data is shown for the track whose track_id is TRAXLZU12903D05F94 - namely, "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.

artist_mbid: db92a151-1ac2-438b-bc43-b82e149ddd50
the ID for this artists is db9...
artist_mbtags: shape = (4,)
this artist received 4 tags on
artist_mbtags_count: shape = (4,)
raw tag count of the 4 tags this artist received on
artist_name: Rick Astley
artist name
artist_playmeid: 1338
the ID of that artist on the service
artist_terms: shape = (12,)
this artist has 12 terms (tags) from The Echo Nest
artist_terms_freq: shape = (12,)
frequency of the 12 terms from The Echo Nest (number between 0 and 1)
artist_terms_weight: shape = (12,)
weight of the 12 terms from The Echo Nest (number between 0 and 1)
audio_md5: bf53f8113508a466cd2d3fda18b06368
hash code of the audio used for the analysis by The Echo Nest
bars_confidence: shape = (99,)
confidence value (between 0 and 1) associated with each bar by The Echo Nest
bars_start: shape = (99,)
start time of each bar according to The Echo Nest, this song has 99 bars
beats_confidence: shape = (397,)
confidence value (between 0 and 1) associated with each beat by The Echo Nest
beats_start: shape = (397,)
start time of each beat according to The Echo Nest, this song has 397 beats
danceability: 0.0
danceability measure of this song according to The Echo Nest (between 0 and 1, 0 => not analyzed)
duration: 211.69587
duration of the track in seconds
end_of_fade_in: 0.139
time of the end of the fade in, at the beginning of the song, according to The Echo Nest
energy: 0.0
energy measure (not in the signal processing sense) according to The Echo Nest (between 0 and 1, 0 => not analyzed)
key: 1
estimation of the key the song is in by The Echo Nest
key_confidence: 0.324
confidence of the key estimation
loudness: -7.75
general loudness of the track
mode: 1
estimation of the mode the song is in by The Echo Nest
mode_confidence: 0.434
confidence of the mode estimation
release: Big Tunes - Back 2 The 80s
album name from which the track was taken, some songs / tracks can come from many albums, we give only one
release_7digitalid: 786795
the ID of the release (album) on the service
sections_confidence: shape = (10,)
confidence value (between 0 and 1) associated with each section by The Echo Nest
sections_start: shape = (10,)
start time of each section according to The Echo Nest, this song has 10 sections
segments_confidence: shape = (935,)
confidence value (between 0 and 1) associated with each segment by The Echo Nest
segments_loudness_max: shape = (935,)
max loudness during each segment
segments_loudness_max_time: shape = (935,)
time of the max loudness during each segment
segments_loudness_start: shape = (935,)
loudness at the beginning of each segment
segments_pitches: shape = (935, 12)
chroma features for each segment (normalized so max is 1.)
segments_start: shape = (935,)
start time of each segment (~ musical event, or onset) according to The Echo Nest, this song has 935 segments
segments_timbre: shape = (935, 12)
MFCC-like features for each segment
similar_artists: shape = (100,)
a list of 100 artists (their Echo Nest ID) similar to Rick Astley according to The Echo Nest
song_hotttnesss: 0.864248830588
according to The Echo Nest, when downloaded (in December 2010), this song had a 'hotttnesss' of 0.8 (on a scale of 0 and 1)
song_id: SOCWJDB12A58A776AF
The Echo Nest song ID, note that a song can be associated with many tracks (with very slight audio differences)
start_of_fade_out: 198.536
start time of the fade out, in seconds, at the end of the song, according to The Echo Nest
tatums_confidence: shape = (794,)
confidence value (between 0 and 1) associated with each tatum by The Echo Nest
tatums_start: shape = (794,)
start time of each tatum according to The Echo Nest, this song has 794 tatums
tempo: 113.359
tempo in BPM according to The Echo Nest
time_signature: 4
time signature of the song according to The Echo Nest, i.e. usual number of beats per bar
time_signature_confidence: 0.634
confidence of the time signature estimation
title: Never Gonna Give You Up
song title
track_7digitalid: 8707738
the ID of this song on the service
track_id: TRAXLZU12903D05F94
The Echo Nest ID of this particular track on which the analysis was done
year: 1987
year when this song was released, according to