Hackathons and hack days have proven to be an effective way for entrepeneurs and hobbyists to spend a concentrated period of time doing preliminary work on a new project.
However, most hackathons have an emphasis on prototyping commercial applications using technology from the companies who sponsor the event.
HAMR (Hacking Audio and Music Research) is an event series which applies the hackathon model to the development of new techniques for analyzing, processing, and synthesizing audio and music signals.
The goal of HAMR@ISMIR 2017 is to provide a space for individuals from various institutions, backgrounds, and experience levels to test out novel ideas as opposed to finishing a polished project and paper.
As the name suggests, this iteration of HAMR will be held in conjunction with the
18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference in hopes of fostering intercollegiate collaborations between conference attendees.
HAMR@ISMIR2017 will take place at the National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute immediately before ISMIR on October 21st-22nd, 2017.
HAMR hammers will be awarded by popular vote in the following categories:
- Best Code
- Best Documentation
- Best Hack/Research Direction
Call for participation
Individuals and groups are invited to spend October 21st-22nd working on novel research in any of the following areas:
- Music informatics
- Audio, speech and music signal processing
- Machine listening
- Environmental sound analysis
- Computer music
- Computational auditory perception/cognition
All individuals who would like to attend should fill out
this form before September 26th, 2017.
Registration is free and researchers from any stage in their career are encouraged to participate.
Tentative Schedule
Saturday, October 21st
9:30 AM - Coffee
10:00 AM - Introductory remarks, project pitches
10:30 AM - Hacking begins
1:00 PM - Tutorials, lunch served
6:00 PM - Hacking ends for the night (officially, at least)
Sunday, October 22nd
9:30 AM - Hacking restarts, coffee
12:15 PM - Lunch served
5:00 PM - Hacking ends, presentations begin
6:00 PM - Prizes awarded, HAMR ends, drinks/food nearby
HAMR will be held at the
National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute in Suzhou, China. Further details will be available soon.
Because this HAMR is not an overnight event, attendees must find their own lodging for the night of Saturday the 21st. The hotels listed on the
accommodation page for ISMIR 2017 are all close to where HAMR will be held.
Mailing list/contact
For updates, questions, and suggestions, please join the
hamr-discuss Google group.