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====== BrainBeats: Tempo Tracking in EEG Data ====== | Authors | Sebastian Stober, Thomas Prätzlich, Meinard Müller | | Affiliation | University of Western Ontario; International Audio Laboratories Erlangen| | Code | [[|Github Link]] | | Dependencies | [[| OpenMIIR Dataset (Github)]] | | | [[| deepthought project (Github)]] for data export | | | [[| Tempogram Toolbox]] | ===== Task ===== Can we track the beat of a music piece in the brain waves recorded during listening? {{:brainbeats_wiki_figure_1.png?600|}} The OpenMIIR dataset((Sebastian Stober, Avital Sternin, Adrian M. Owen and Jessica A. Grahn: "Towards Music Imagery Information Retrieval: Introducing the OpenMIIR Dataset of EEG Recordings from Music Perception and Imagination." In: Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’15), 2015. [[ |Paper]] [[|Poster]])) comprises EEG recordings((Electroencephalography (EEG) is a popular non-invasive neuroimaging technique that relies on electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the electrical activity of the brain.)) of people listing to 12 short music pieces. We wanted to know whether it is possible to track the tempo in the EEG signal just as this would be done for audio data. The Tempogram Toolbox already does a great job for the music stimuli. Let's see how well it does on the EEG data. We aggregate the EEG channels into one waveform. This waveform is then interpreted as a novelty curve. [Figure1] That did not work so well. The data needs to pre-processed. To normalize the data, we subtract a moving average and apply a high-pass ===== Example ===== You can write math: x=a100 A footnote or reference looks like this((Mastering is the process of applying equalization, compression, reverb, and other nonlinearities to an audio recording to improve it sound.)). You can also include images: {{|}}

brainbeats.1445786507.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/25 11:21 by meinard