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unxpected [2015/10/25 11:58]
nazareno figures!
unxpected [2015/10/25 12:01] (current)
Line 18: Line 18:
 Online visualization of brazilian artists: [[http://​​unexpected/​]] . For bassists, go to [[http://​​unexpected/​bassists]]. Some more pictures below. ​ Online visualization of brazilian artists: [[http://​​unexpected/​]] . For bassists, go to [[http://​​unexpected/​bassists]]. Some more pictures below. ​
-All Brazilian artists+All Brazilian artists:
-{{::​all_of_brazil.png?300 |}} +{{ ::​all_of_brazil-small.png |}}
 Connections only considering bossa nova, pop/soul and samba jazz communities (as found through GLay): ​ Connections only considering bossa nova, pop/soul and samba jazz communities (as found through GLay): ​
-{{::​brazil_-_3_comms_-_small.png?300 |}}+{{ ::​brazil_-_3_comms_-_small.png |}}
 Jazz connections through bassists: ​ Jazz connections through bassists: ​
-{{::​bassists2-small.png |}}+{{ ::​bassists2-small.png |}}
unxpected.1445788704.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/10/25 11:58 by nazareno