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start [2014/02/10 10:12]
vedacrumniapiov This is just a profile page.
start [2014/02/10 13:28] (current)
dpwe old revision restored (2014/01/26 23:57)
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-Hello from France. I'm glad to be here. Mʏ first name is Otis.  +====== HAMR 2014 Proceedings ======
-I live in a small city called Abbeville in western France. +
-I was also boгn in Abbеville 30 years ago. Married in July yeɑr 2011. I'm working at the thе office.+
-Take a look at my page; [[|Nokia N8 Problems]]+This wiki collects documentation for projects from Hacking Audio and Music Research ​at Columbia 2014.  More information is available on the [[​hamr2014/​|HAMR 2014 webpage]]. ​ Please email craffel (at) gmail to get an account. 
 +[[https://​​d/​1CCsibJRDqMMuZtdmo8cUDWOSCWEAVAMb1aFeNzUQFAo/​viewform|Voting form]] 
 +===== Projects ===== 
 +  * Brian McFee & George London [[artist_discography_network]] 
 +  * Andreas Jansson: [[http://​​post/​74652076268/​this-is-my-jam-data-dump|This Is My Jam data dump]] 
 +  * Colin Raffel: [[midi_beat_tracking|Beat Tracking MIDI Files Using Tempo Change Events]] 
 +  * Philippe Hamel: [[Tri-chorder]] 
 +  * Jeff Scott & Alex Cannon: [[simple chord recognition]] 
 +  * Ron Weiss: [[WebAudio CARFAC]] 
 +  * Ryan Clough: [[PickSlide]] 
 +  * Anastasya Koshkin: [[environmental_sound]] 
 +  * Hunter McCurry: [[temporal_echoprint_matching]] 
 +  * Dan Ellis: [[better_beat_tracking]] 
 +  * CJ Carr: [[Crowd Remix (the greatest crowd-sourced granular synthesizer known to man)]]
start.1392045128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/10 10:12 by vedacrumniapiov