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====== Spoken Lyrics Informed Singing Voice Separation ====== | Authors | Zhuo Chen, Po-Sen Huang, Yi-Hsuan Yang | Singing voice separation task is to separate singing voices from music accompaniment. We propose spoken lyrics informed source separation. ===== - Background: Singing Voice Separation ===== **ROBUST PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS**\\ Minimize $||A||_*+ \lambda ||E||_1$, subject to $A+E = M$\\ Music accompaniment can be assumed to be in a low-rank subspace, because of its repetition structure.\\ Singing voices can be regarded as relatively sparse within songs.\\ **NMF**\\ Factorization algorithms can help sources separation in many cases. ===== - Proposed Spoken Lyrics-informed source separation ===== **HAMR-RPCA\\ HAMR-NMF** ==== - HAMR-RPCA ==== **Objective**\\ - Minimize $||A||_* + \lambda ||E||_1 + \gamma || E - E_0 ||_F ^2$ subject to $A+E = M$\\ **Framework**\\ - Given mixed signals, run RPCA to obtain $E_{RPCA}$. \\ - We use dynamic time warping to warp spoken lyrics $E_{spoken}$ to $E_{RPCA}$. Define $E_0$ as the $E_{spoken}$ for HAMR-RPCA. **Results**\\ -- from RPCA\\ -- using ground truth singing voice as $E_0$\\ -- using ground truth dynamic time warping of spoken lyrics as $E_0$\\ -- using dynamic time warping of spoken lyrics as $E_0$ ==== - HAMR-NMF - Separation with codebook ==== **Idea**\\ - Separate the singing and background with the help of the dictionary that was learnt from the speech **Intuition**\\ - Because the lyric is assumed to be known in our cases, the hope of this model is that the dictionary learnt from the spoken lyrics can encode the information which is the same in the singing voice. **Problems**\\ - Pitch difference\\ - Voice difference **Solutions**\\ - Generate extra dictionary elements.\\ - Adaptation **Objectives**\\ - $\min_{H,A}\lambda||H||_1+\beta||A||_*+||W-W_0||_2^2$ subject to $Y=WH+A$ **Whole process steps**\\ - Synthesize the lyric to speech\\ - Extracted the dictionary from the synthesized speech\\ - Generate extra dictionary elements\\ - Running the system **Result** **Conclusion**\\ - It converges\\ - Not obviously better (or worse) than original RPCA **Future work**\\ - Better adaptation schemes (adaptation, transformation etc)

singing_separation.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/06/30 17:32 by personhuang