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====== Respiration Phase coordination ====== | Authors | Finn Upham | | Affiliation | New York University | | Code | aha... no one need see this bird's nest | If music can encourage stimulus synchronous respiration, what part of the respiration cycle is being aligned to the music? Using respiration band stretch data from one listener recorded during multiple listenings (24) to the same stimulus set (25), significant coordination is measurable on inspiration onsets. Is any other part of the respiration cycle better? Part 1: approximating the phase cycle of respiration Part 2: coordination of different phases of respiration to musical stimuli ===== - Part 1: approximating the phase cycle of respiration ===== A section ==== - Title of a subsection ==== ===== - Part 2: coordination of different phases =====

respiration.1372626333.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/06/30 17:05 by finn