

Hackathons and hack days have proven to be an effective way for entrepeneurs and hobbyists to spend a concentrated period of time doing preliminary work on a new project. However, most hackathons have an emphasis on prototyping commercial applications using technology from the companies who sponsor the event. HAMR (Hacking Audio and Music Research) is an event which applies the hackathon model to the development of new techniques for analyzing, processing, and synthesizing audio and music signals. During HAMR 2013, 30 participants from various institutions, backgrounds, and experience levels spent a dedicated 48 hours working on research projects, with the intention of testing out novel ideas as opposed to finishing a polished project or paper.

HAMR is supported by the Columbia Electrical Engineering Department and organized by LabROSA.


Documentation of the work done at HAMR 2013 can be found on the proceedings page.


HAMR hammers were awarded by popular vote in the following categories:


Friday, June 28th

5:00 PM - Registration, introduction
5:30 PM - Keynote talks by Douglas Repetto, Changxi Zheng and Juan Pablo Bello
7:00 PM - Project Pitches
7:30 PM - Beer and food near Columbia

Saturday, June 29th

9:00 AM - Hacking begins, breakfast served
1:00 PM - Tutorials, lunch served
7:00 PM - Dinner served
9:00 PM - Hacking ends for the night (officially, at least)

Sunday, June 30th

9:00 AM - Hacking restarts, breakfast served
1:00 PM - Lunch served
5:00 PM - Hacking ends, presentations begin
6:00 PM - Prizes awarded, HAMR ends

Mailing list/contact

For updates, questions, and suggestions, please join the hamr-discuss Google group.