Laboratory for the Recognition and Organization of Speech and Audio - LabROSA

LabROSA goes global: Upcoming Conferences

See also Michael Fingerhut's list of audio-related conferences and the IUA@UPF conference deadline calendar.

Green = future, sorted by submission deadline
Yellow = upcoming, submissions closed, sorted by conference date
Grey = over and done with

Conference Name Location Submission Deadline Conference Date(s) Submissions
ICASSP 2006 - Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. Toulouse Oct 21, 2004 May 14-19, 2005  
NIPS 2005 Vancouver ???, 2005 Dec 6-8, 2005  
ASRU 2005 Cancun Jul 1, 2005 Nov 27-Dec 1, 2005  
ACM Multimedia 2005 Singapore May 16+23, 2005 Nov 6-12, 2005  
MLMI 2005 Edinburgh May 13, 2005 Jul 11-13, 2005  
ISMIR 2005 London Apr 18, 2005 Sep 11-15, 2005 Graham, Mike
WASPAA 2005 Mohonk Apr 15, 2005 Oct 16-19, 2005  
EUROSPEECH 2005 Lisbon Apr 8, 2005 Sep 4-8, 2005  
ICASSP 2005 - Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. Philadelphia Sep 17, 2004 Mar 19-23, 2005  
Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS 2004 Vancouver BC Jun 4, 2004 Dec 13-17, 2004  
ISMIR 2004 - 5th Int'l Conf. on Music Information Retrieval Barcelona May 4, 2004 Oct 10-14, 2004  
ICSLP 2004 - Interspeech Jeju Island, Korea Mar 31, 2004 Oct 4-8, 2004 Marios
SAPA 2004 - Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing Jeju Island, Korea (ICSLP satellite) Mar 15, 2004 Oct 2-3, 2004 Manuel, Keansub
ICASSP 2004 - Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. Montreal Oct 24, 2003 May 17-21, 2004 Manuel
NIST/ICASSP Meeting Recognition Workshop Montreal Apr 20, 2004 May 17, 2004 Lyndon, Jerry
HLT/NAACL 2004 - Human Lang. Tech./ Comp. Ling. Boston Nov 15, 2003/Feb 4, 2004 (short) May 2-7, 2004  
Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS 2003 Vancouver BC Jun 6, 2003 Dec 9-11, 2003  
Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding ASRU 2003 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands Jul 31, 2003 Nov 30 - Dec 4, 2003 Marios, Lyndon
ACM MultiMedia 2003 Berkeley CA Apr 14, 2003 Nov 2-8, 2003  
ISMIR 2003 - 4th Int'l Conf. on Music Information Retrieval Baltimore Apr 25, 2003 Oct 26-30, 2003 Adam, Rob, Alex
WASPAA 2003 - IEEE Workshop on Apps of Signal Proc. to Audio and Acoustics New Paltz NY Apr 25, 2003 Oct 19-22, 2003 Manuel, Marios
EUROSPEECH 2003 Geneva Mar 28, 2003 Sep 1 - 4, 2003 Patricia
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo ICME-03 Baltimore Dec 31, 2002 Jul 6-9, 2003 Manuel, Adam
ICASSP 2003 - 28th Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. Hong Kong Oct 29, 2002 Apr 6-10, 2003 Manuel, Marios

Last updated: $Date: 2005/02/03 15:44:31 $
Dan Ellis <>