[objectives] [topics] An
overlook on the various methods makes the observer conclude that at least
some of the limitations of each of the schemes could be overcome by integrating
them into a single approach. Such integration, however, has the prerequisite
that proponents of different approaches get together, present their methods,
theories, and data, discuss these openly, and attempt to find ways to
combine schemes, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of separating speech
signals by computational means. Given the sheer volume of current work
on the diverse methods, such a meeting of researchers is not only necessary
but also extremely timely. The proposed workshop, to our knowledge first
of its kind, intends to be an undertaking to reach this objective. Another
benefit of this workshop is that investigators of different fields, or
adepts of different approaches, may decide to explore possibilities of
attacking the problem jointly. While the development of such collaborative
ventures cannot be planned, the workshop may represent an opportunity
for instances of such collaboration to be born – collaboration between
computer scientists working in different directions on the problem as
well as collaboration between experimental psychologists/speech scientists
and computer scientists. The
workshop will address speech separation as viewed from different standpoints:
experimental psychology, neurophysiology, computational modeling of behavioral
and neurophysiological data, and diverse computational directions designed
to achieve automatic separation of speech sources. Accordingly, the specific
topics discussed will include Presentations grouped by topics will be followed by moderated discussion periods giving opportunity to all participants to engage in an exchange of views. A comprehensive discussion period at the end of the workshop will permit the participants to discuss the general current status as well future directions of the field of speech separation.